
Seek Work Worth Living

The Job Search Essentials and Why You Need Them

job search linkedin resumes Dec 20, 2019

I refer to your resume, LinkedIn profile, and networking plan as your job search essential. Each of these works together to help ensure your best chances of getting invited to interview. Often times job seekers focus on just the resume. You might have a killer resume but if you end up getting compared to someone with a great networking reference or a professional looking LinkedIn profile, you’ve essentially devalued your resume.

The jobs search essentials are the tools in your toolbelt for getting an interview and you won’t likely get an interview without some combination of the three so let’s dive into each of these in more detail.

I don’t think anyone would argue that a resume is a must for every job seeker. There will always be a counter-advice argument that so-and-so’s cousin got an awesome job without ever handing in a resume but that doesn’t translate into good advice for you. Your resume should be succinct, I personally recommend 1 page...

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Where to Find REAL Info About Sustainability Careers

Sustainability. What is it? Why do you want to do it? How do you get a job doing it?

The majority of people that I talk to for coaching, no matter their background, are looking for a “sustainability” career. The problem they all face is not knowing what that really means for them. It boils down to “I want to do good and I want to fight climate change.”

Sustainability itself is extremely broad. It doesn’t help that the definitions are not universally established as you can see in these different definitions.

“Sustainability has often been defined as how biological systems endure and remain diverse and productive. But, the 21st-century definition of sustainability goes far beyond these narrow parameters. Today, it refers to the need to develop the sustainable models necessary for both the human race and planet Earth to survive.” - Sustainabilitydegrees.com

The most often quoted definition comes from the UN World Commission on Environment and...

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