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Missed the EcoLeaders Twitter Chats? Here’s how to catch up.

events Mar 20, 2019

On March 12th I participated in my first Twitter chat. I thought it was great to be able to ask or answer questions from your couch without all the prep time that's involved with being on camera. It's also great that the chat will remain out there under the #EcoCareers2019 hashtag. There are two big downsides, however, 1) is that the tweets are quickly get lost in the noise of the other billions of tweets and 2) many people don’t have a Twitter account to access the info.

So here’s how you can still check out what’s going down and a little recap if you’d prefer to stay here or if you don’t use Twitter.

The hosts of the Nations Wildlife Federation’s Annual EcoCareers Conference wanted a way to allow people to continue to ask questions from some of the presenters. To do that, they scheduled 4 weeks of 1-hour twitter chats with a different presenter each week (you can still catch the other 2 live).

I was set to go on the first week and here are the...

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NWF EcoLeaders 2019

events Feb 28, 2019

Last Thursday, February 28th, I had the pleasure of presenting at National Wildlife Federation's EcoLeaders Virtual Summit. I co-lead a session called "Helping Your Students Navigate Their Careers in a Sea of Options". Many of the presentations will be made available later in March. Check the EcoLeaders website for that. 

You can grab the link below to the presentation that I gave focusing on the following topics: 

  • What is the role of the advisor?
  • What does having a career plan mean?
  • What does navigating that plan mean?
  • Tips for counselors

Presentation Download

EcoLeaders is hosting follow up Twitter Chats throughout March. You can catch mine, at 3:00 March 12th. See below for more details.

From 3 pm to 3:30 pm EDT, March 12th through 15th, we will be hosting Twitter “AMA-style” Chats with four of the esteemed EcoCareers guest speakers and panelists. Join @NWFEcoLeaders using the #EcoCareers2019 hashtag to join the conversation with each of the...

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