
Seek Work Worth Living

Guidelines for Immigrants Looking to Get an Environmental Job in the USA

By: Abby Celentano

Job searching is hard, and moving from another country to the US in pursuit of a career  is even harder. However, it can be done! We interviewed two different people who successfully landed an environmental job in the States. Here are some helpful insights they have to make your transition as smooth as possible. 

Networking abroad

Our two interviewees, Fatima and Pratika, both agree that it’s crucial to build your network at the beginning of your career. Before you embark on the big move, network with environmental professionals in the United States. In our technology-centered society, we have many resources to communicate with people overseas. Use this to your advantage when connecting with potential employers for a potential job. Research companies of interest and reach out to them through social media or email.

Fatima, who moved from India to the US attests to the effectiveness of networking. Her best advice to people thinking of doing the same...

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Expand your horizons, work abroad!

One of the biggest hurdles for people looking to break into an environmental career is skills gap. It doesn't matter if you are a recent grad or looking to change careers, skill gaps are a plague nearly everyone looking for a job faces. It's important as it always is to see challenges as opportunities. Regardless if you believe that your skill gap is because your university program didn't prepare you or if you spent too long being comfortable in the first era of your career, or if you just woke up one morning and decided it was time for a change. Having the need to fill a skill is an opportunity. Here's what I mean. 

You see the skill gap as a hindrance, and it is, for now. It will only continue to be an obstacle if you don't do anything proactive about it. It's only when you decide to do something about it that it becomes an opportunity. The opportunity can come in many forms such as: 

  • An excuse to network - you'll now have a valid reason to seek persons of...
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