
Seek Work Worth Living

Frustrated with applying to environmental roles but not getting interviews? Letā€™s fix that. Part 2/3.

It’s time to stop applying to no end and start landing interviews. 

Most job seekers find themselves getting “stuck” at one point or the other throughout the job search. From our experience, there are three specific spots: when first starting the job search, when applying to jobs but not landing interviews, or when interviewing but not securing offers. When diagnosing what you need to do to improve your job search, determining which one you’re at will help identify the steps you need to take next. 

In Part 1 of this email series, we focused on the first area people get stuck - when they are just getting started. Check out that article here

In this article, we’ll turn our attention to that second area that job seekers get stuck in - the miserable place between submitting applications and getting interviews. After a few weeks of sending out applications (maybe even a few months) and hearing crickets, it can feel demoralizing and many...

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How to Start your Environmental Job Search ā€” the Right Way. Part 1/3.

Just getting started with the environmental job search? Here’s how to kick things off on the right foot

When we speak to environmental job searchers, they usually are in one of three stages of the job search — either they’re just starting out, applying but not getting interviews, or interviewing but not receiving offers. All three positions are rather frustrating and pose their own set of problems. 

But, not all hope is lost! If you find yourself in one of these three positions, there are tangible steps you can take to overcome this phase and eventually land a great role. We’ll discuss them in this series of articles on how to overcome your job search struggles. 

In this article, we’ll cover what to do at the start of your job search — before you even start applying. Getting started with the environmental job search can be really confusing —whether you’re a student looking for internships for the first time, a job...

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How to Effectively Network in the Post-COVID Age

By: Neha Bhalla 

There’s no doubt that COVID-19 drastically transformed the entire job search process — networking included. Many career seekers express their frustration with me that virtual networking is not as easy as in-person networking.  The reality is that virtual networking is not going away for a long time, if ever; however, it can actually be easier with the right mindset and methods.

Virtual Specific Benefits

Global Availability: Unlike in-person networking, virtual has no bounds. If you’re considering moving to a new location, you can start meeting people before you land a job. 

Convenience: It can be nearly impossible to get a busy person to meet you out for coffee. 15 minutes on a Zoom call, however, is a much smaller ask. Many students don’t have cars so they can skip maneuvering the bus schedule for an hour for a 20-minute meeting. Plus, while you still have to look prepared, you don’t have to put as much effort into...

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How to Get An Environmental Job Without a Degree

 Co-authored by Neha Bhalla

Looking to enter the environmental field, but don’t have an environmental degree? Or maybe you don’t have a degree at all. Even though your path into sustainability might look different, you can still do your part to save the planet!

 There are many valid reasons why someone might want to pursue a career without getting a degree first. They may feel it’s too late in their career to go back to school, they may not be able to afford it, or they simply may not have an affinity for academia. Regardless of your reasoning, in this article, we will cover what you need to know to break into the environmental field.

If you have any degree at all — whether you studied computer science, marketing, or even film — those skills can almost definitely help our planet. A relatively seamless way to transition into the environmental field is to apply for roles that you were already applying to before, but at environmental...

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How to do an Instagram Takeover to expand your reach

networking social media Apr 26, 2021

Anyone who works with me knows I’m always talking about how to stand out in a crowd, especially on social media. I recently had an experience that increased my followers on Instagram by 10% in just a week. Considering my goal was first and foremost to share career advice with a group of amazing future environmental heroes and secondarily gain 4 or 5 new followers, I’d say it was a great success. The additional bonus was that it was super simple to execute.  

This experience was with Instagram Takeovers. If you don’t know what a takeover is, it basically means your hand over the keys to your profile to someone else and let them create posts, go live, and share stories with your audience.

This opportunity came about, no surprise, through networking (another topic I’m always talking about). I had given a presentation at SUNY-ESF several months prior and a career advisor there mentioned my name to the Rockland Conservation Corp. Subsequently, their...

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5 Proven Steps to Effective Job Networking

job search networking Sep 28, 2020

Here’s the truth:

Most people don’t know how to network.

They either don’t do it at all — or do it with no real plan or strategy.


You already know job networking is important.

It’s ESSENTIAL to not just getting a job — but also building your career.


If you want to be effective at job networking.

And I mean truly effective…

 You have to put together a plan.


Here are 5 proven steps you can follow to put together a job networking plan to land your dream job.

Step 1: Figure out WHY you’re networking

First — you have to figure out WHY you’re networking in the first place. 

You’re probably thinking “Duhhh, to get a job.” but that’s not enough. Because if you’re trying to meet someone who’s going to give you a job — that’s probably not going to happen.

 You need to form a strategy. And the first part of that is figuring out your networking goals.

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Expand your horizons, work abroad!

One of the biggest hurdles for people looking to break into an environmental career is skills gap. It doesn't matter if you are a recent grad or looking to change careers, skill gaps are a plague nearly everyone looking for a job faces. It's important as it always is to see challenges as opportunities. Regardless if you believe that your skill gap is because your university program didn't prepare you or if you spent too long being comfortable in the first era of your career, or if you just woke up one morning and decided it was time for a change. Having the need to fill a skill is an opportunity. Here's what I mean. 

You see the skill gap as a hindrance, and it is, for now. It will only continue to be an obstacle if you don't do anything proactive about it. It's only when you decide to do something about it that it becomes an opportunity. The opportunity can come in many forms such as: 

  • An excuse to network - you'll now have a valid reason to seek persons of...
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Who Should You Accept as a Connection on LinkedIn?

linkedin networking Mar 14, 2019

Here is a question recently received from a participant in the coaching program: LinkedIn, who should you accept as a connection and who might you not want to connect with?

Here's my response:

LinkedIn is unlike most other social media platforms that it is intended to be a place for professionals to connect and share work-related information. The typical things one might post on Facebook like the massive plate of nachos you carefully crafted at 2 am, the cute pics of your dog, and random drama are not acceptable in this space.

That said, there are still people who don’t get that and those are the people you certainly don’t want to be connected with, as their likes and personal interest can end up in your news feed.

When you’re in job search mode, you should be using LinkedIn with purpose. Taking advantage of their job search tools and networking opportunities. 

Who you connect with is ultimately your call. Just know that who you connect with has a direct...

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5 Truths about Networking that will help you Starting Now

linkedin mindset networking Nov 28, 2018

Networking! You love it or you hate it but I would guess since you’re reading this that you lead more towards that second one.

Creative Networking is the most effective way to network and consists of 3 parts:

  • Mindset
  • Creative Strategy
  • Connection Integrity


You can learn more about Creative Networking and how to put it to use in this webinar. In this article, we’re focusing on 5 truths about networking that once you realize them you can start improving right away.


  1. Networking is the best way to get from the road you're on now and into the career lane that you want. The sooner you swallow this truth pill, the sooner you can get things moving toward your awesome networking outcome. This is a truth in any industry but even more so in the environmental world. You'll find after spending a few years building your networks that you'll have an incredible amount of overlap and 1 degree of separation connections. 
  2. You need a LinkedIn Profile. 

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Looking for a job?

Grab the free job search checklist. Regardless if this is your first job or you're considering switching jobs, make sure you've covered all the bases!