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Seek Work Worth Living

3 Ways CHATGPT is revolutionizing how environmental career seekers should attack the job search and how you can take advantage of it

Ever wish there was a way to make the job search easier? In this article, I will walk you through our Three Keys to Landing Your Dream Job while introducing you to a powerful tool that can significantly elevate your job hunting experience and improve your chances of success. If you’ve been following the tech world these last few months, you likely know that I’m referring to ChatGPT, a revolutionary new chatbot run by artificial intelligence (AI) that can answer almost any question you have. 


Gone are the days of writing a cover letter from scratch, having a resume with typos, or feeling like you’ve got nowhere to turn. Here are the Three Keys along with suggestions for each on how to utilize ChatGPT to revolutionize your job search and how you can use it as your personal job search assistant to guide you toward success:


Key #1: Knowledge, Experience, and Interest


Knowledge, Experience, and Interest all boil down to Passion; however,...

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How to Start your Environmental Job Search — the Right Way. Part 1/3.

Just getting started with the environmental job search? Here’s how to kick things off on the right foot

When we speak to environmental job searchers, they usually are in one of three stages of the job search — either they’re just starting out, applying but not getting interviews, or interviewing but not receiving offers. All three positions are rather frustrating and pose their own set of problems. 

But, not all hope is lost! If you find yourself in one of these three positions, there are tangible steps you can take to overcome this phase and eventually land a great role. We’ll discuss them in this series of articles on how to overcome your job search struggles. 

In this article, we’ll cover what to do at the start of your job search — before you even start applying. Getting started with the environmental job search can be really confusing —whether you’re a student looking for internships for the first time, a job...

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Job Searching Tips for New Environmental Grads

Congrats to all of our Class of 2022 grads! Give yourself a pat on the back — you made it. But now, the real work begins. 

Stepping out of the safety net of college with its assigned schedules and academic calendar is daunting. It may feel like you’re supposed to feel all grown up — but you don’t. Not only is the application process exhausting and your confidence not quite where you’d like it to be, you have no idea what this next phase of your life is going to be like. Questions and doubts abound in this transition phase of your life. What if you hate it? What if you accept the job but should have waited for a different one? Rest assured, every graduate has the same feelings.

If you know anyone who is job searching right now, you probably know that the job market is a bit dicey right now. In recent months, many companies have laid off employees, frozen hiring, and stopped extending return offers to interns. If you’re panicking about being on...

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How To Fill a Policy & Regulation Gap on Your Resume

 Co-authored by Neha Bhalla

Your technical skills are on point; you can collect field data using mobile equipment, use GIS to map out sampling locations, and communicate the need for sustainable practices. Between labs, internships, and classes, you have all the skills of an environmental scientist — well, almost all the skills. 

One of the most common issues entry-level environmental professionals face is a knowledge gap related to policy and regulations. The reality is that no matter what sector of the environmental field you are in — clean energy, waste management, or Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) — understanding the various and ever-changing rules and regulations is key to being successful in most environmental jobs, especially consulting and management positions. 

Which Regulations Do You Need To Know?

The regulations that you need to be familiar with vary depending on which field you’re in, and to a large extent, your...

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How to Get An Environmental Job Without a Degree

 Co-authored by Neha Bhalla

Looking to enter the environmental field, but don’t have an environmental degree? Or maybe you don’t have a degree at all. Even though your path into sustainability might look different, you can still do your part to save the planet!

 There are many valid reasons why someone might want to pursue a career without getting a degree first. They may feel it’s too late in their career to go back to school, they may not be able to afford it, or they simply may not have an affinity for academia. Regardless of your reasoning, in this article, we will cover what you need to know to break into the environmental field.

If you have any degree at all — whether you studied computer science, marketing, or even film — those skills can almost definitely help our planet. A relatively seamless way to transition into the environmental field is to apply for roles that you were already applying to before, but at environmental...

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Everything You Need To Know About Environmental Consulting

Co-authored by Neha Bhalla

Not sure which environmental field is right for you? Have you considered environmental consulting? We’ve researched everything you need to know! Read on to see if it’s right for you.

What is environmental consulting?

Although environmental consultants (ECs) can fill many roles, their general job function is to ensure that their clients abide by all environmental regulations. This includes a broad range of services, such as compliance testing, sampling, technical tasks, report research, and writing. Consultants can work in various industries, focusing on waste management, pollution control, environmental policy, etc. 

What are the benefits of being an environmental consultant?

Environmental consulting is a great way to explore many different sectors within the environmental field, pursue freelance opportunities, and gain a lot of transferable skills. ECs can often have more flexible hours than others, and depending on the type of work...

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Where to Find REAL Info About Sustainability Careers

Sustainability. What is it? Why do you want to do it? How do you get a job doing it?

The majority of people that I talk to for coaching, no matter their background, are looking for a “sustainability” career. The problem they all face is not knowing what that really means for them. It boils down to “I want to do good and I want to fight climate change.”

Sustainability itself is extremely broad. It doesn’t help that the definitions are not universally established as you can see in these different definitions.

“Sustainability has often been defined as how biological systems endure and remain diverse and productive. But, the 21st-century definition of sustainability goes far beyond these narrow parameters. Today, it refers to the need to develop the sustainable models necessary for both the human race and planet Earth to survive.” - Sustainabilitydegrees.com

The most often quoted definition comes from the UN World Commission on Environment and...

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