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Seek Work Worth Living

Holiday Gifts for Climate Job Seekers

What do you get for the climate career seeker in your life? With the holidays already here, we’re all on a mad dash to find the perfect gift. If someone you love is partial to presents with the earth in mind (and that includes you), this list might be right up your alley. From books to courses to individual career coaching, there’s a gift for every climate conscious loved one on your list. The good news is some of these won’t require shipping so last-minute shoppers take heed. And since money might be extra tight while you’re searching for holiday gifts this year, we’re including alternative options that are free.

Meditation Apps

The holidays, constant bad news about climate change and worries about finding a climate career can put anyone in a tailspin. The solution? One of our best finds is taking time to meditate. The Ten Percent Happier app teaches you to meditate in an unfussy way. In as little time as 5 minutes, it offers listeners a chance to take...

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The do's and don'ts of the holiday season during your environmental career search

Wondering if the holiday season is a good time to take a break from your climate career search? Hitting pause on your environmental job hunt may seem ideal, especially when companies are in holiday mode, however,taking a break may take you out of the hiring game and cause you to lose momentum. Take advantage of this time to polish your resumes and sharpen your interviewing skills. To dive into this further, we recently spoke with Natalie Lavery from the climate recruitment company, Climate People, to find out why you should power up and not down, what to expect during this time, as well as what to do and not to do to score your dream climate career before the end of the year.

  1. What is the number one misconception about applying for jobs during the holidays?

The number one misconception about applying for jobs at the end of the year is that the job market stops. Countless job seekers will pause their search under the assumption that no one is hiring. Doing so could harm your...

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Frustrated with applying to environmental roles but not getting interviews? Let’s fix that. Part 2/3.

It’s time to stop applying to no end and start landing interviews. 

Most job seekers find themselves getting “stuck” at one point or the other throughout the job search. From our experience, there are three specific spots: when first starting the job search, when applying to jobs but not landing interviews, or when interviewing but not securing offers. When diagnosing what you need to do to improve your job search, determining which one you’re at will help identify the steps you need to take next. 

In Part 1 of this email series, we focused on the first area people get stuck - when they are just getting started. Check out that article here

In this article, we’ll turn our attention to that second area that job seekers get stuck in - the miserable place between submitting applications and getting interviews. After a few weeks of sending out applications (maybe even a few months) and hearing crickets, it can feel demoralizing and many...

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How to Start your Environmental Job Search — the Right Way. Part 1/3.

Just getting started with the environmental job search? Here’s how to kick things off on the right foot

When we speak to environmental job searchers, they usually are in one of three stages of the job search — either they’re just starting out, applying but not getting interviews, or interviewing but not receiving offers. All three positions are rather frustrating and pose their own set of problems. 

But, not all hope is lost! If you find yourself in one of these three positions, there are tangible steps you can take to overcome this phase and eventually land a great role. We’ll discuss them in this series of articles on how to overcome your job search struggles. 

In this article, we’ll cover what to do at the start of your job search — before you even start applying. Getting started with the environmental job search can be really confusing —whether you’re a student looking for internships for the first time, a job...

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How to Set the Direction for your Job Search

One of the biggest pieces of advice I share with career seekers is to find direction. I’m also aware that this is one of the most frustrating bits of advice for people to receive. But that doesn’t make the advice any less valuable. Read on to learn what finding direction means, why it can be so difficult, and how to do it. 

If you were searching for a new home, you wouldn’t be looking at every house on the market — your real estate agent would fire you. Instead, you would have a few requirements, such as a certain location, a maximum price, number of bedrooms, etc. Then, you’d have your nice-to-have’s list: a front porch, a finished basement, and enough garage space to fit all those boxes that you’ll definitely unpack someday. Based on these specifications, you would start your search. 

The same way you’d go crazy looking at houses without knowing what you want, you’d be wasting a lot of time looking at every...

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Job Searching Tips for New Environmental Grads

Congrats to all of our Class of 2022 grads! Give yourself a pat on the back — you made it. But now, the real work begins. 

Stepping out of the safety net of college with its assigned schedules and academic calendar is daunting. It may feel like you’re supposed to feel all grown up — but you don’t. Not only is the application process exhausting and your confidence not quite where you’d like it to be, you have no idea what this next phase of your life is going to be like. Questions and doubts abound in this transition phase of your life. What if you hate it? What if you accept the job but should have waited for a different one? Rest assured, every graduate has the same feelings.

If you know anyone who is job searching right now, you probably know that the job market is a bit dicey right now. In recent months, many companies have laid off employees, frozen hiring, and stopped extending return offers to interns. If you’re panicking about being on...

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During Your Job Search, Mindset is Everything

If you feel like the career search is one of the most stressful times you’ve ever experienced, you’re not alone. Whether you’ve suddenly become unemployed and are racing against your savings running out, or you don’t want your crappy 9-to-5 finding out that you’ve been poking around LinkedIn from 5-to-9, there’s a general sense of fear and uncertainty that looms over the job hunt. 

It is a monumental challenge to stay positive during this period of not knowing. How you manage your mindset, however, is one of the most important factors in getting you through this time and landing your dream job. Defeatist attitudes stemming from pessimistic thoughts can be a hidden factor that’s keeping you from securing your next role.

Don’t Let the Rejections Get You Down

The first lesson every job seeker has to learn is how to overcome rejection. It can be heart-wrenching to apply for a job at your dream company, painstakingly edit your resume,...

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3 Tips to Jumpstart Your 2021 Job Search

job search standing out Jan 04, 2021

Co-authored by Neha Bhalla

Take a deep breath - you’ve made it through 2020. I hope you had a relaxing holiday season, no matter how you celebrated it, and here’s hoping for a lockdown-free, mask-off 2021!

As the new year starts, here is what you need to know to reinvigorate your job search!


  1. Stop Doubting Yourself 

Half of the job-search-battle is your mindset, and after a difficult job market in 2020, it’s easy to feel frustrated or defeated. However, if you’re going into interviews thinking “I’m unqualified for this job” or “I don’t want to be here,” you might as well not show up. Confidence and enthusiasm are everything; acting down-in-the-dumps during an interview or blasé about a job is a massive red flag for a hiring manager.   

If you do find yourself saying “I’m unqualified for the types of jobs I want,” there are plenty of ways to become qualified - whether...

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Should I hire a recruiter to help me with my environmental job search?

As with most questions about job searching the answer to the question, should I work with a recruiter, is not a simple straight-forward answer. 

Plenty has been said already about what recruiters do, who they are, and the pros and cons of working with one. That said, I am not going to reiterate that info here but rather share some articles that will be helpful to you to help you make an informed decision as to whether or not you want to try to work with a recruiter. 

The biggest thing to note is that aiming to work with recruiters is not a short-cut, thus, it should not be used to try to circumvent doing your own job searches and networking. 

Here are a few articles we think cover all the bases with the specific topics each contains: 

This article from Mac’s List answers the following questions:

  • What do recruiters actually do?
  • What do I get out of working with a recruiter?
  • What are recruiters not telling me?
  • Should I work with a recruiter?
  • What is the best...
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5 Proven Steps to Effective Job Networking

job search networking Sep 28, 2020

Here’s the truth:

Most people don’t know how to network.

They either don’t do it at all — or do it with no real plan or strategy.


You already know job networking is important.

It’s ESSENTIAL to not just getting a job — but also building your career.


If you want to be effective at job networking.

And I mean truly effective…

 You have to put together a plan.


Here are 5 proven steps you can follow to put together a job networking plan to land your dream job.

Step 1: Figure out WHY you’re networking

First — you have to figure out WHY you’re networking in the first place. 

You’re probably thinking “Duhhh, to get a job.” but that’s not enough. Because if you’re trying to meet someone who’s going to give you a job — that’s probably not going to happen.

 You need to form a strategy. And the first part of that is figuring out your networking goals.

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